42....42......with such an important number as 42 we should have been challenging ourselves to scrap the meaning of life, the universe, and everything.... but of course that would be utterly ridiculous - you could never get it on one page for a start. So instead - we asked one of the other age old questions we scrappers often find ourselves troubled with
WHY did I buy *that* and will I ever really use it???
Well - the answer is YES!! for this week - we challenge you to go delving down in the depths of your stash and pull out some of your older, scary, unused and forgotten 'mistakes'. Did you buy on impulse and regret it at leisure? Was it chosen before you really had a clue what your style was? Have you left overs from a kit you just never really clicked with? get those hidden horrors out and give them a rethink - a bit of a makeover maybe, or a clever bit of cutting? See what wonders you can produce with some of your 'less favourite' stash items. You never know, it might rekindle that secret love you had for puffy heart stickers back in 2002....
As always please share your dares here in the comments section, we always LOVE to see what you do with our challenges. Every time you play along you get a ticket into the monthly prize draw. This is your last chance to enter for February's gallery prize - the lucky winner will be one of the very first to be subscribed to the new online classes and inspiration of The Design Collective with a full 3 months sub :o)
Details about the girls LO's can be found on their personal blogs.








